Key Cloak Parameters
data class KeyCloakParameters(val authorization_endpoint: String, val token_endpoint: String, val userinfo_endpoint: String, val end_session_endpoint: String, val redirect_uri: String, val clientId: String? = null, val grant_type: String = "authorization_code", val response_type: String = "code", val scope: List<String> = listOf("email", "openid", "phone", "profile"), val state: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), val guestClientSecret: String? = null, val guestClientId: String? = null, val username: String? = null, val password: String? = null, val isGuestMode: Boolean = false) : Parcelable
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constructor(authorization_endpoint: String, token_endpoint: String, userinfo_endpoint: String, end_session_endpoint: String, redirect_uri: String, clientId: String? = null, grant_type: String = "authorization_code", response_type: String = "code", scope: List<String> = listOf("email", "openid", "phone", "profile"), state: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), guestClientSecret: String? = null, guestClientId: String? = null, username: String? = null, password: String? = null, isGuestMode: Boolean = false)
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URL of the OP's OAuth 2.0 Authorization Endpoint
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the URL for forces an access_token invalidation
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a String of the OAuth 2.0 Grant Type values that this OP supports.
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The client id for guest authentication
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The client secret for guest authentication
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an internal boolean flag for enable guest mode authentication
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the URL where the authorization code is delivered
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URL of the OP's OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint OpenID.Core.
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URL of the OP's UserInfo Endpoint OpenID.Core. This URL MUST use the https scheme and MAY contain port, path, and query parameter components.