
data class BookingConstraints(val minTimeSlot: Int? = null, val maxTimeSlot: Int? = null, val maxNumberOfBookingDay: Int? = null, val dateLimit: String? = null, val bookableDaysOfWeek: List<Int>? = null, val bookableDaysLimit: Int? = null, val weekConstraints: List<WeekConstraint>? = null) : Parcelable


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constructor(minTimeSlot: Int? = null, maxTimeSlot: Int? = null, maxNumberOfBookingDay: Int? = null, dateLimit: String? = null, bookableDaysOfWeek: List<Int>? = null, bookableDaysLimit: Int? = null, weekConstraints: List<WeekConstraint>? = null)


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val bookableDaysLimit: Int? = null

It represents the maximum number of days (starting from the current day) to user can perform a reservation

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Represents the list of days of the week in which the resource is bookable. Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, ..., Saturday = 7

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val dateLimit: String? = null

represent the last date when a user can perform a reservation

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represent the max number of day of consecutive booking for a single book

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val maxTimeSlot: Int? = null

represent the max number of consecutive minutes for a single booking for a single book

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val minTimeSlot: Int? = null

number of minutes for the minimum time slot

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Represents the list of bookable intervals by day of the week.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)