
data class ScheduleRequest(val bookingId: String? = null, val elementId: String, val elementType: ResourceType, val meetingName: String? = null, val meetingNote: String? = null, val videoConference: Boolean? = false, val dayStart: String, val dayEnd: String? = null, val start: String? = null, val end: String? = null, val typedAttendees: List<TypeAttendee>? = null, val recurring: RecurringType? = null, val externalAttendees: List<String>? = null, val additionalServices: List<AdditionalService>? = null) : Parcelable


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constructor(bookingId: String? = null, elementId: String, elementType: ResourceType, meetingName: String? = null, meetingNote: String? = null, videoConference: Boolean? = false, dayStart: String, dayEnd: String? = null, start: String? = null, end: String? = null, typedAttendees: List<TypeAttendee>? = null, recurring: RecurringType? = null, externalAttendees: List<String>? = null, additionalServices: List<AdditionalService>? = null)


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val bookingId: String? = null

The id of the reservation to be modified. When a reservation is created for the first time this id should be null

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val dayEnd: String? = null

example: 2023-01-21

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example: 2023-01-21

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the id of the resource you want to book my id for Virtual Meeting

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val end: String? = null

example: 18:00

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val meetingName: String? = null

an optional name for the meeting

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val meetingNote: String? = null

an optional note for the meeting

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the type of the schedule RecurringType

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val start: String? = null

example: 08:00

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a list of type attendees for the meeting

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val videoConference: Boolean? = false

a boolean to indicate if is a video conference

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)