
data class ToolboxMap(var mapControl: ToolboxMapParameter? = ToolboxMapParameter( enabled = true, x = 50, y = 50, buttonWidth = 40, buttonHeight = 40, buttonSpace = 10, orientation = OrientationType.horizontal, rotationStep = 10 ), var layer: ToolboxMapParameter? = ToolboxMapParameter( enabled = true, x = 50, y = 120, buttonWidth = 30, buttonHeight = 30, buttonSpace = 8, orientation = OrientationType.vertical, )) : Parcelable


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constructor(mapControl: ToolboxMapParameter? = ToolboxMapParameter( enabled = true, x = 50, y = 50, buttonWidth = 40, buttonHeight = 40, buttonSpace = 10, orientation = OrientationType.horizontal, rotationStep = 10 ), layer: ToolboxMapParameter? = ToolboxMapParameter( enabled = true, x = 50, y = 120, buttonWidth = 30, buttonHeight = 30, buttonSpace = 8, orientation = OrientationType.vertical, ))


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Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)