
data class Ticket(val ticketId: String, val description: String, val creationTimestamp: Long? = null, val manager: String, val status: String, val lastUpdateTimestamp: Long? = null, val resourceId: String? = null, val position: Position? = null, val integrationId: String? = null, val managerInfo: Any? = null, val image: String? = null, val sound: String? = null, val owner: String? = null) : Parcelable


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constructor(ticketId: String, description: String, creationTimestamp: Long? = null, manager: String, status: String, lastUpdateTimestamp: Long? = null, resourceId: String? = null, position: Position? = null, integrationId: String? = null, managerInfo: Any? = null, image: String? = null, sound: String? = null, owner: String? = null)


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val creationTimestamp: Long? = null

creation timestamp

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the description for the ticket

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val image: String? = null

an optional image associated to the ticket

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val integrationId: String? = null
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the type of the ticket (INTERNAL, IVIVA)

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val managerInfo: Any? = null
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val owner: String? = null

the owner of the ticket

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val position: Position? = null

the position associated to the ticket

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val resourceId: String? = null

the resource associated to the ticket

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val sound: String? = null

an optional sound (vocal note) associated to the ticket

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the id of the ticket

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)