
data class WidgetRadial(val componentId: String? = null, val type: ComponentType = ComponentType.WIDGET_RADIAL, val name: String? = null, val enabled: Boolean = true, val i18n: String? = null, val widgetType: WidgetType? = null, val buildingPosition: BuildingPosition? = null, val icon: String? = null, var value: Value? = null, var secondaryValue: Value? = null, val lowText: String? = null, val i18nLowText: String? = null, val highText: String? = null, val i18nHighText: String? = null, val mainValue: String? = null, val i18nMainValue: String? = null, val subValueText: String? = null, val i18nSubValueText: String? = null, val barColor: String? = null, val barHue: Boolean? = false, val subValue: String? = null, val error: String? = null, val i18nError: String? = null, val interaction: AbstractComponent.WidgetSection? = null) : AbstractComponent, Parcelable


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constructor(componentId: String? = null, type: ComponentType = ComponentType.WIDGET_RADIAL, name: String? = null, enabled: Boolean = true, i18n: String? = null, widgetType: WidgetType? = null, buildingPosition: BuildingPosition? = null, icon: String? = null, value: Value? = null, secondaryValue: Value? = null, lowText: String? = null, i18nLowText: String? = null, highText: String? = null, i18nHighText: String? = null, mainValue: String? = null, i18nMainValue: String? = null, subValueText: String? = null, i18nSubValueText: String? = null, barColor: String? = null, barHue: Boolean? = false, subValue: String? = null, error: String? = null, i18nError: String? = null, interaction: AbstractComponent.WidgetSection? = null)


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val barColor: String? = null
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val barHue: Boolean? = false
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open override val componentId: String? = null
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open override val enabled: Boolean = true
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val error: String? = null
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val highText: String? = null
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open override val i18n: String? = null
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val i18nError: String? = null
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val i18nHighText: String? = null
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val i18nLowText: String? = null
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val i18nMainValue: String? = null
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val icon: String? = null
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val lowText: String? = null
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val mainValue: String? = null
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open override val name: String? = null
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val subValue: String? = null
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val subValueText: String? = null
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open override val type: ComponentType
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var value: Value?
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val widgetType: WidgetType? = null

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)