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object Companion


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Accessory method that return the current access token.

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Diagnostic to check if server is online

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fun customGsonBuilder(): Gson

Facility to obtain a Gson for custom serialization or deserialization. This method combines the registration of these class Widget and AbstractComponent

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suspend fun downloadImage(imageUrl: String): Resource<Bitmap>

Facility to automatically fetch usable Image directly from network

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Return a RealtimeAreaElementResponse that contains the list of areas where a realtime element (Tag, Element, etc.) is located.

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suspend fun getAreasList(search: String? = null, type: String? = null, isDesc: Boolean? = null, order: String? = null): Resource<List<BGPArea>>

Return a list of areas

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suspend fun getAreasWithTagsInside(areaFilterRequest: AreaFilterRequest = AreaFilterRequest()): Resource<List<AreaWithTagsInside>>

Return a list of areas with a list of inside tags

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Return a list of buildings

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Return the current position of a tag inside a building

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Asks for a device configuration for advertising

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suspend fun getFilter(type: FilterType): Resource<Filter>

Return filter for the selected type

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Return filter for the resource type

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suspend fun getFilterSection(sectionTypes: List<SectionFilterType>? = null): Resource<List<SectionFilter>>

Return filter for section screen

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Return a jwt token for use Schindler section return a Schindler

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suspend fun getLanguage(name: String): Resource<Language>

Return a single dictionary

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Return a list of all dictionaries

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suspend fun getMapsList(search: String? = null, staticResourceTypeList: List<BGPResourceType>? = null, isDesc: Boolean? = null, order: String? = null): Resource<List<BGPMap>>

Return all list of maps present in the building

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Asks for a device configuration for advertising

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Return all list of areas present in the building

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Get auto destination for the logged user if exist return a AutoDestination

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Return all associated profiles to the logged user return a response ProfileAction

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fun getUUID(): String?

return the UUID if set, null otherwise

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fun initSDK(sdkEnvironment: SdkEnvironment, context: Context, enabledNetworkLogs: Boolean = false)

Init the BlueGPS SDK.

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Accessory method that return true if a session is valid, false otherwise.

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check if refresh token is still valid.

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Send GPS position data to cloud.

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fun saveUserTagId(tagId: String)

Accessory function to save the tagId assigned to the user

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suspend fun search(filter: Filter): Resource<List<Resource>>

Search a generic resource

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suspend fun sendPositionAndCompass(bgpGpsPosition: BGPGpsPosition? = null, compass: Double? = null, compassAnimation: Int = 0)
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suspend fun setLanguage(language: String): Resource<SyHttpResponse>

Send the current language of the user's mobile device to the backend. Used to send localized notifications to the mobile device.

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fun startDiagnostic(checkTimeout: Int = 30000, diagnosticSseRequest: DiagnosticSseRequest, onComplete: (DiagnosticSseResponse) -> Any, onTagTracking: (Map<String, DiagnosticStatus>?) -> Any? = null, onCheck: (String?) -> Unit? = null, onStop: (String) -> Unit? = null)

Accessory method for activate the diagnostic. If a previously job is active, its stopped and a new diagnostic started with the new configuration.

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Accessory method for deactivate the diagnostic.

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Utility function for update the SDK Environment

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Accessory function that return the tagId assigned to the user if exist, null otherwise

Inherited functions

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Returns the agenda for the selected elements and for the selected date.

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Returns the number of notifications to read

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Delete the notifications

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Delete a schedule

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Delete a ticket

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.findResources(isDesc: Boolean?, mapId: Int?, order: String?, search: String?, subType: String?, type: String?, roomId: Int?, roomName: String?): Resource<List<GenericResource>>
suspend fun BlueGPSLib.findResources(hasPosition: Boolean? = null, isDesc: Boolean? = null, mapId: Int? = null, order: String? = null, search: String? = null, subTypes: List<String>? = null, types: List<String>? = null, roomId: Int? = null, roomName: String? = null): Resource<List<GenericResource>>

Asks for a list of resources

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getAgendaDay(id: String, date: String, scheduleTypes: MutableList<ScheduleType>? = null): Resource<DaySchedule>

Returns the agenda for the selected element.

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getAgendaMy(dateStart: String? = null, dateEnd: String? = null): Resource<List<DaySchedule>>

Return all agenda for the logged user.

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Return exactly all agenda for the logged user based on the current time

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getAvailableSlots(resourceId: String? = null, bookingId: String? = null, resourceType: ResourceType, date: String? = null): Resource<List<List<String>>>

Get available time slots for the specific resource

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Return a navigation route

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Returns a list of user to invite.

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Return generic element associated with this code

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Returns a list of controllable items, passing a filter if necessary

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Get the filter to set a do not disturb element

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Return a resource for the selected id

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getHomeMy(buildingId: String? = null): Resource<List<Container>>

Returns all widgets to build the home screen

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Return a filter for locker

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Return a list of navigation path

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Request looking for nearest booking

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Get a schedule by id

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getSearchableTrackTag(search: String? = null, tagId: String? = null, label: String? = null, nfcCode: String? = null): Resource<List<TrackTag>>

Get a searchable track tag list filtering also by NFC code Return a list of TrackTag

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Return the ticket detail

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Return the entire form that the interface will have to build.

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getTicketMy(search: String? = null, manager: String? = null, status: String? = null): Resource<List<Ticket>>

Return all tickets for the logged user.

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Returns the types for tickets ("INTERNAL", "IVIVA").

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getTrackElement(trackElementId: Int): Resource<TrackedElement>

Returns a track element passing a corresponding id

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getTrackElementPage(type: String? = null, groupIds: List<Int>? = null, search: String? = null, isDesc: Boolean? = null, order: String? = null): Resource<PageTrackedElement>

Return a Track Element Page

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getTrackElements(type: String? = null, groupIds: List<Int>? = null, search: String? = null, isDesc: Boolean? = null, order: String? = null): Resource<List<TrackElement>>

Return a Track Element list

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Returns a tag history passing a corresponding id

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Return a list of track group

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Return an AbstractComponent that represent the visitor form. Used to build the UI.

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Return an AbstractComponent that represent the visit form flow. Used to build the UI.

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Returns a specific widget

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Returns all widgets

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.getWidgetRoom(roomId: String, isHorizontal: Boolean? = false): Resource<AbstractComponent>

Returns all widgets for a specific room

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Returns all available notifications

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add or remove a resource as favourite

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For update the status of the notifications

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For register the device and the push token for receive notifications

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Release the locker resource

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suspend fun BlueGPSLib.saveTicket(manager: String, image: MultipartBody.Part? = null, sound: MultipartBody.Part? = null, form: MultipartBody.Part?): Resource<List<FormTicket>>

Save ticket

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Save the visitor form.

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Save the current visitor to BlueGPS backend.

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To update value of a widget

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Save a reservation

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Check if a schedule have a problem after change a value like date or time slot.

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Search for a visitor by email.

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Set currentValue for specified item

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To set a do not disturb or out of office

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Request for booking a locker

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fun BlueGPSLib.startHomeWidgetEvent(checkTimeout: Int = 30000, tagId: String, callbackHandler: (Event) -> Unit? = null, onStop: (String) -> Unit? = null)

Accessory method for Stream events for widgets of a specific user If a previously job is active, its stopped and a new job started with the new configuration.

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fun BlueGPSLib.startNotifyEventChanges(streamType: StreamType, outputEvents: List<String>, tagIdList: List<String>? = null, callbackHandler: (Event) -> Unit? = null, onStop: (String) -> Unit? = null)

Accessory method for activate the notify generic event. If a previously job is active, its stopped and a new job started with the new configuration.

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fun BlueGPSLib.startNotifyPositionChanges(checkTimeout: Int = 30000, callbackHandler: (Position) -> Unit? = null, onStopEvent: (String) -> Unit? = null)

Accessory method for activate the notify position change. If a previously job is active, its stopped and a new job started with the new configuration.

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fun BlueGPSLib.startNotifyRegionChanges(checkTimeout: Int = 30000, tags: List<String>? = null, regions: List<BGPRegion>, callbackHandler: (MutableMap<String, MutableList<BGPRegion>>) -> Unit, onStop: (String) -> Unit? = null)

Accessory method for activate the notify region. If a previously job is active, its stopped and a new job started with the new configuration.

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fun BlueGPSLib.startWidgetIdEvent(checkTimeout: Int = 30000, widgetId: String, callbackHandler: (Event) -> Unit? = null, onStop: (String) -> Unit? = null)

Accessory method for Stream events for a specific widget. If a previously job is active, its stopped and a new job started with the new configuration.

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fun BlueGPSLib.startWidgetRoomIdEvent(checkTimeout: Int = 30000, roomId: String, callbackHandler: (Event) -> Unit? = null, onStop: (String) -> Unit? = null)

Accessory method for Stream events of room widgets. If a previously job is active, its stopped and a new job started with the new configuration.

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Accessory method for deactivate the stream home widget event job.

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Accessory method for deactivate the Notify generic job.

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Accessory method for deactivate the Notify position job.

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Accessory method for deactivate the Notify region job.

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Accessory method for deactivate the widget id event job.

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Accessory method for deactivate the widget room id event job.

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Unlock the locker resource

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update the entire form that the interface will have to build.