
data class CustomPath(var id: Int? = null, var name: String? = null, var x: Double? = null, var y: Double? = null, var mapId: Int? = null, var mapName: String? = null) : Parcelable


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constructor(id: Int? = null, name: String? = null, x: Double? = null, y: Double? = null, mapId: Int? = null, mapName: String? = null)


Link copied to clipboard
var id: Int?
Link copied to clipboard
var mapId: Int?
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
var name: String?
Link copied to clipboard
var x: Double?
Link copied to clipboard
var y: Double?

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)